

Farmer Feature: Pure Honey Co.

By 2 December 2022

What’s better to make things a little extra cozy than a dollop of honey in a hot tea? A dollop of delicious local honey, that’s what! Pure Honey Co. has been blessing NorCal with bee byproducts for the last eight years. Run by Dana, her husband, and two children, the family-owned and run farm has 1,000 hives in Butte and Modoc counties, that never leave Northern California. They offer a variety of unBEElievably good products including honey, beeswax, bee pollen, candles, and more. It’s more than likely you’ve already tried their honey, as they sell to Farmer’s Brewing, Farm Star Pizza, and Grana. A great way to taste all the things you can do with your next jar of Pure Honey Co. honey!

Why is Pure Honey Co. so special? The fact that they are so local and that their hives never leave the area means that the honey they produce is great for helping treat your allergies. Repeated exposure to the small traces of flower pollen that can be found in honey has been observed to help treat seasonal allergies. This only works when the honey is made locally, though, which fortunately Pure Honey Co. honey is!

This isn’t the only thing that makes them special. They make use of everything the busy bees make, allowing us to reap the benefits of all aspects of the beehive. Beeswax is most commonly used in candle-making, as it has a long burn and its anti-microbial properties can help to cleanse the air. That’s not the only cool thing it can be used for! Beeswax can also be used to make sustainable cling wrap for food, as a wood conditioner, in beauty products, and even used in baking, and these are only a few of the things you can do!

Pure Honey Co. also offers bee pollen, which is regarded as one of the most nutritionally complete foods available due to its incredible vitamin and mineral-rich composition. Consumed in small doses, bee pollen can provide both nutrition and an added layer of allergy protection. It is important to be careful while experimenting with bee pollen, as some people can have an allergic reaction to it.

Last but not least is honeycomb! Honeycomb is essentially a whole piece of the hive, consisting of hexagonal wax cells that bees make to store their honey and pollen. It basically combines the benefits of honey, beeswax, and pollen into one glorious, sweet, and gooey treat. It can be eaten alone, but it also makes a heavenly spread over various food items.

Do you know what else is great about bee products? They make incredible gifts! Stop by the Saturday or Wednesday markets to pick up something special for your loved ones. As a holiday special, gift baskets will be available at the Wednesday market for the duration of the holiday craft fair! If you can’t make it to market, you can also find Pure Honey Co. products at S&S, New Earth Market, and Made in Chico, or you can order directly through their Instagram account, @purehoneycompany.

What are you waiting for? Make the holidays a little sweeter and stop by the Pure Honey Co. stall during your next market visit! 🍯

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