

Grapes are Great

By 1 September 2023

Grapes. A fixture in still-life paintings, and the symbol of the God of Wine, Dionysus, grapes are one of the world’s favorite snackable fruits. They’re no mess, healthy, and easy to prepare for eating. What’s not to love?
We can all agree that grapes are tasty, but do you know what hides behind all that sweet goodness? Today I’m here to tell you ten reasons why you should eat grapes (aside from being delicious).


Grapes are CHOCK FULL of antioxidants. If you didn’t know already, antioxidants are amazing for your body. They help you get rid of dangerous free radicals in the blood, keeping your cells happy and healthy. All grapes have high levels of antioxidants, and these are mostly concentrated in the skin. Red and purple grapes have the highest concentration, with a 70-75% antioxidant capacity, with green grapes at just 45%. You’ll actually find that most fruits with a purple or blue color have a higher level of antioxidants.


Grapes are great for your heart! Their high levels of antioxidants, along with high levels of fiber and potassium, make grapes excellent for keeping your heart healthy. All of these components together help to lower cholesterol and reduce plaque build-up in your arteries, which in turn leads to a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.


When eaten in moderation, grapes are a good snack choice for people with diabetes. Grapes score in the low to medium range on the glycemic index, meaning that they don’t spike your blood sugar quickly. There have also been studies that have shown that resveratrol, one of the antioxidants found in grapes, can help the body increase its ability to produce and use insulin, which is what the body uses to break down sugars in the blood.


They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and grapes help keep your eyes healthy, so think of them like your trusty soul window cleaners. There are several antioxidants contained in grapes that are connected with increased eye health. I know what you’re thinking, again with the antioxidants?! You bet! Just like our eyes, antioxidants contain multitudes… of bodily benefits. They’re certainly one to watch!


Grapes are here to make sure everything goes smoothly. Grapes have a ton of fiber – nearly 1 gram per cup. That probably doesn’t seem like a lot, but it’s all insoluble fiber, which is the kind that most helps with bowel movements. So next time you’re feeling a little backed up, spring for some grapes! Then when your friends or family tell you they hope everything comes out okay as you excuse yourself to use the restroom, you know it will.


If you’re starting to lose focus on this article, and can’t remember why you chose to read it, I’ve got some news for you. Grapes are brain food! Several studies have been done which show that consuming grapes or grape products can help improve memory, attention, and mood. If you haven’t already guessed, antioxidants are behind it. We might as well start making t-shirts with “All Hail Resveratrol” on them.


Maybe you don’t want to eat grapes. You’re probably tired of me telling you to consume them by now. Well, good news! You can squish them up and smear them on your body instead. Those fantastic little antioxidants are also beneficial when applied topically. They can help relieve sunburn, and help your skin feel healthy and soft. Try using them as a facemask by mashing a few grapes in your clean hands, applying them to your face, and letting them sit for 10-15 minutes before rinsing. Now you can use the excuse of skincare to have a little fun getting messy.


“What gorgeous hair!” “Thanks, it’s grape!”.
Much like your skin, your hair also loves grapes. If smearing hand-smashed grapes onto your face wasn’t weird enough for you, you can also massage it into your scalp. Leave them in for 10-15 minutes and wash them out with mild soap to help keep your tresses strong and healthy.


We’re back to consumption, and before you pick a bone with me, hear me out. You’ll be better able to pick a bone with people after you eat grapes because your bones may be strengthened by the calcium, vitamin K, potassium, and magnesium that grapes contain. To be fair, they have only studied this effect in mice, but it’s not like I’m trying to convince you to eat more mozzarella sticks here. Grapes are little health boosters through and through!


What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on it? Nothing, it just let out a little wine.
Now I have no idea why this joke specifies an elephant, but it does provide a great segway into my final reason to consume grapes – WINE. Okay, this isn’t technically about eating grapes, but wine is made from grapes so it’s still consuming them one way or the other. If you needed an excuse to drink more red wine, here it is: a glass (5oz) of red wine per day has been shown to protect against heart disease as well as diabetes. It’s all about those antioxidants y’all! That’s why I’ve specified red wine. Red wine is red because it has been fermented with the pulp and skin of red grapes, resulting in the wine containing the same powerful antioxidants as the grape does. Of course, moderation is key, and you’ll want to avoid the bigger and bolder reds, as they tend to contain more sugars. Look for European-style wines, which are drier and pair well with food.

Okay, there you have it! Ten excellent reasons why you should eat grapes. Now you also have an excellent reason to make it to one of our wonderful markets this week. See you there!

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