

Spring into Relief: Natural Allergy Remedies

By 26 April 2024

With springtime comes warmer weather, blue skies, blooming greenery, and – cue dramatic sound effect – POLLEN. Puffy eyes, itchy skin, and runny noses abound as seasonal allergies take their toll. The pollen count in Chico has been incredibly high of late. It is, ironically, something to sneeze at. If you’re suffering from the allergen blues and don’t want to go the conventional medicinal route, we’ve got you covered! Many natural, homeopathic remedies can help relieve your symptoms, most of which you can find at the Chico Certified Farmer’s Market!



What are Allergies?

In your blood, there are cells called B-cells, whose job is to recognize antigens (a toxin or other foreign substances) and initiate the immune response. When a B-cell believes an antigen is present, it will release antibodies. The job of the antibody is to attach to the antigen and signal other parts of the immune system to attack and destroy the invaders. The reaction releases harmful histamines which cause inflammation in your skin, sinuses, airways, and digestive system. Sometimes, our immune system will react in this way to substances that are not typically harmful, which is what we call allergies. Not everyone experiences allergies, and those who do can be allergic to different things and can react in different ways.

We can’t cure allergies, but we can do things to relieve those pesky symptoms we get. Below you can find some tips and tricks to get relief using produce from your local farmer’s market.

Disclaimer: These methods have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. If you are feeling ill, please consult your doctor.



You read that right, bees can help reduce your allergy symptoms! There are two bee by-products that do this:

  • Local Raw Honey
    • Raw honey contains trace amounts of pollen, which when ingested daily over long periods of time, can help build immunity to those particular types of pollen. Consuming a spoonful of local raw honey every day can help you build that immunity to the pollen you encounter locally. It is important the honey is as local as possible, and more importantly raw, as honey that has been heated loses this benefit.
  • Bee Pollen
    • Bees have to eat too! Bee pollen granules are the field-gathered pollen that worker bees have packed up into little balls. It is the primary food source for the hive and contains all the essentials: vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. When consumed by humans, bee pollen is the ultimate allergy prevention. Just like honey, you want to make sure that it’s as local as possible. With bee pollen, however, extra care is needed in dosage. Because of how potent they are, it is recommended that you start with one granule per day, and build up to a teaspoon over time. If you react intensely to just one granule, you should stop taking bee pollen and consult your doctor.


Anti-Inflammatory Fruits and Veg

Help your immune system help you by eating nutrient-dense foods that give the immune system what it needs to heal itself and be ready to fight off an attack. The following foods are excellent immunity-builders and help to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help reduce allergy symptoms:

  • Lemons
    • Lemons are packed with immunity-boosting vitamin C and antioxidants. Drinking lemon water throughout the day helps to detoxify the body, ridding it of impurities. Limes also have this effect!
  • Garlic
    • Garlic is a natural antibiotic, and if consumed raw on a daily basis, can help fight off all sorts of things. Consuming or juicing two raw cloves daily can quite literally keep the doctor away.
  • Leafy Greens
    • Much like lemons, leafy greens also contain vitamins and minerals which are key in boosting immunity and reducing inflammation. Plus, the pigments in greens are great for helping keep your eyes healthy – they snuff out free radicals in the eye before they can cause harm. If you get itchy eyes, add more of these to your diet!


There are several fruits and vegetables that contain an antioxidant called “quercetin”, which has been shown to have anti-allergy properties such as preventing histamine production and reducing inflammation. The following foods have the highest concentrations of this anti-allergy superhero:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Onions
  • Shallots
  • Apples
  • Berries
  • Nuts
  • Peppers
  • Tea
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